Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cancer Free !!!!

We just received the Greatest News ever, after the CAT Scan and tests, Amber is Cancer Free.
It has been a long and trying journey but the trip is over. She is scheduled to have the port removed on Friday this week and the forst follow up is in three months. Thanks to all that have prayed and talked to her through this. A very Special Thank You from me to Jim, Thanks guy I don't think I could have made it without your support. We're looking forward to the November Camp out at Cut-N-Shoot next week-end. The picture attached is Amber's double ruffle hybiscus that decided finally it was time to bloom. Till next time our best to all.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Pumpkin Decorating

Grillin n Chillin

Friday Night Meet N Greet
Another Great Texas Boomers Rally at Coushatte RV Ranch in Bellvile, Texas.
Had a Pumpkin Decorating and Color Book Contest, the Dinner consisted of the Workd Famous Garbage Can Dinner. Everyone had a Great time and the annual Auction and Raffle were an Awesome success. Looking forward to the November Camp Out at Cut-N-Shoot. Great Fun, Food and Fellowship and as always, Life is Sweet when the Boomers Meet. Untill next time.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ringing the Bell

Well, hopefully all the Chemo treatments are complete, the Neulasta shot tomorrow and it's over. Amber rings the bell announcing the end of her Chemo treatments. We are very optimistic about the results of the PET scan yet to be done showing that she is Cancer free. As very special Thank You to those who have included Amber in their prayers, cards and e-mails. Our prayer is that no one should have to face this, it is terrible. Will post the final YEA it's over as soon as we know. Myself, Leza and Sandy Creekmore were there for this joyus event and we made sure Judy and Jim Sims could hear the Bell ring while they were touring God's wonders in the changing of the Seasons. Untill next time.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Almost Finished with Chemo

Just an update on Amber, Chemo number 5 was a real bummer, the steriods,Chemo and Neulasta really took full effect this time around.

Amber is really tough and it was so hard to see her in this condition,she is really fiighting it hard. The final Chemo and Neulasta will be in three weeks and she is looking forward to the final and ringing the Bell at the Camcer Center. A very greatfull THANK YOU to everyone who has supported her through e-mails, cards and all the Prayers, and my special Thanks to Jim Sims who, has been a GREAT support for me through all of this.

We really missed being with all our Boomer friends over the Labor Day Rally at Bourne. Looks like everyone had a Great time. We're sure there will be many more good times with the Texas Boomes in upcomming months. We will let you know when the final is over. God knows we wouldn't wish this condition on our worse enemies. Till the next time.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ambers Third Chemo comming up

Amber's Third Chemo and Neulasta treatments comming up this Wednesday. We pray this treatment will go good also, the last ones were better. Lots of ranin over the past few days, you can almost hear the grass growing. Last year our Musical Notes Plant didn't bloom to well, this year another story, full of blooms as you can see in the picture. Every end is loaded with blooms they don't last long but are really unique.

A number of our Texas Boomer's friends are on their way or have already arrived to the 2010 irv2 National in Williams , AZ. We have always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon, but Amber's unexpected Cancer put a stop on it for this year. We hope all those attending have a safe trip there and back and a very enjoyable time while they are there.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Update on Amber

Just a small entry, to reflect on Amber's condition. She had her second Chemo treatment along with her Neulasta. Did a lot better this time around, the Neulasta still gives her lots of trouble.

Considering, she is doing good, has lost most of her hair and still has some reocurring pain, but she's extremely tough and knows she will beat the Monster. We truly appreciate all the Prayers and support from our many friends, prayers really work. Will try a little harder to keep everyone up to date on her treatments.

Didn't do much over the 4th, we usually have all the kids and Grandkids over for a cook-out, but this year we passed. We just stayed home, it's a bit dangerious for her to be around people while she's going thru the treatments. Untill next time God Bless everyone and the U.S.A.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Deer roam freely
Lilbit "Chillin"

The Rig

Friday Night Meet'n Greet

Beautiful Lake Medina

Well, it's been awhile since we last posted and quite a few thing have developed. Amber was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer, dealing with that has been quite a challange, she is doing fine has lost some hair, but dealing with it real well. Since her numbers were good we decided to head out camping this week-end with a group of the Texas Boomers. This was our third trip to Lake Medina RV Resort, but it seems each time gets better. Great company and a great campout. We packed up the trailer, Lilbit and ask Leza and Keith to go with us. This is a beautiful Campground right on Lake Medina, lots of shade and lots of deer. Had a Great week-end, the trip back home however; is another story. I made a wrong turn and boy did we get lost, I knew we were when we crossed a creek running over the road, finally stoped and ask a farmer how to get out of there, made it, just an additional scenic drive LOL. Till next time.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Change for the better

Finally all but done

Very large area

Supervisor checking

Big task ahead ceiling paint going slow

Well, the majority of the redo is complete, just adding the quarter round and a few paint touch ups and we're done. Leza was a great help in all the painting, she did almost all of it during her Spring Break. Keith helped Mike with the floors. Amber is very happy with it and you know if Momma ain't happy ain't no one happy.!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

PopCorn Ceiling Texture

Boy, what a heck of a name for a ceiling texture, that is truly a real pain in the hind end. We decide to do a little redo on the house. We removed the carpet in the Living Room and Hall and decided to remove the 20 plus wood floor in the Dining room for a total new look... Well while we were doing all of this it was unanimous that we repaint the room also. Here is the saga of the Pop Corn texture on the ceiling, it is literally a pain to try to paint and requires the ability to hold a civil tongue. With 13' Cathedral ceilings it was truly an effort, but the girls did it Great. I don't know what great mind thought this type of ceiling was cool, but I would like to meet him and invite him to paint over it. Were doing the walls now and should be ready to install the new flooring this week-end, Keith, Todd and Dad will get this part started. We will post before and after pictures as soon as we finish......Till then......Have a Blessed Day.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Swetheart Campout Trailer Trash Prom

Fantastic Turnout

The King and Queen Announced

Friday Meet and Greet

The Royal Throne

Another Fantastic Texas Boomers Campout. Amber decided to have a Prom this year to add something diffrent to the Sweetheart Campout. As evidenced by the above pictures it was GREAT to say the least. Everyone attending assured us that they had a Fantastic time. Of course we all know that LIFE IS SWEET WHEN THE BOOMERS MEET, Till next time enjoy the memories.